17 November 2009


today is very bad day
i've a problem at office..work..staf
it put me on d critical situation
don't know what suppose to do
when i come with ''trust'..they 'kill' me
n put me on '2012' situation
i've discussed this problem with boss
some action will be taken soon

11 November 2009

education for our little baby

i'm very glad have a friend like sis Dayah
she very concern bout her little daughters..Dania n Alisya
she tried every games she found to her little daughters
look at her blog...very interesting blog/web for child education that she found

i also interested to join in what she doing to her little daughters
even my boy is 3 months old...hehehehe
so far baby irfan gave his attention to what i read n show to him
for example i read an alphabet book, story book,sing a song (little bit hehehe)...
he gave a respond to what he heard n saw...wonderfull baby